The Savage Garden 404.304.3826 www.thesavagegarden.net
Country Designs 770.772.6265 shirley@countrydesignscottage.com
Funky Mountain Flowers 770.781.4616, , Brenda Dickey www.funkymountain.com
Rooms In Bloom 770.500.4472, Paul Brummer www.roomsinbloomflowers.com
WOW Floral Design 770.569.4141, Ellen & Andre www.wowfloraldesignstudio.com
Chelsea Floral and Event Design 678.528.2987 http://www.chelseafloraldesigns.com/
Andrew Wilson Studios 770.222.9890, Andy Wilson www.andrewwilsonstudios.com
Jon Marks Photography 770.587.3365 jonmarksphoto@comcast.net www.jonmarksphoto.com
Moreland Photography 770.993.6059, Mike Moreland www.morelandphoto.com
Scenesations Photography 770.616.0553, Patti Covert www.scenesationsphotography.com
Tom Smarch Photography 770.237.3477, Tom Smarch http://tomsmarch.com/weddings_home.php
Wes Suggs Photography 678.414.8418, Wes Suggs wessuggsphotography.com
It’s Your Day Photography 678.978.3880, Dani Brown
Arthur Zebrak 770.901.9293 404.384.9295
Point of View Video 770.350.7900, Opher Moses http://www.povv.com/POVV/Weddings.html
Sterling Cinematics 404-220-9988, Steve Schumacher www.Sterlingcinematics.com
Blue Orchid Productions 678-261-6185, Ella Szczupak http://www.blueorchidproductions.com/
AMPD Atlanta 1-855-AMPD-ATL, Mike Walsh http://ampdatlanta.com/
Atlanta Bands and DJ’s 770-993-8688, Ted Crowder www.AtlantaDJ’s.com
Avalanche Entertainment 770.751.0000, Kirkley Hennessy (x.17) Joel McGuire (x. 15) http://www.avalancheentertainment.net/
Black Tie Events 770.582.0525, Rich Leggitt www.btevents.com
EsPeute Event Entertainment 678-315-2197, Daniel Espeut www.dj.espeute.com
Fonix Entertainment 404-803-7731, Travis Gilbert www.fonixentertainment.com
Horizon Entertainment 678-592-0285, Keith Schroder www.horizondj.com
Lethal Rhythms Entertainment 678.480.9845 x. 103, Joel Rabe www.lethalrhythms.com
The American Flyers 404.545.5656, Danny Garrett www.theamericanflyers.com
Atlanta Bands (Interactive, Platinum) 404.256.4573, Susan
Atmosphere Entertainment 678.445.3442, Ollie Patterson
Band X 404.291.3042, David Cole info@bandxlive.com
Event Performance (US Beat, Atlanta Beat, Limelight) 770.518.1317, Cheryl Ahlzadeh www.eventperformance.com
Infinity Show Band 678-525-9540, Kirwin Felix www.infinityshowband.com
Mixed Company 770-841-8009, Doug McAlexander www.mixedcompany.com
The Neons 770.419.2323, Chuck Cape www.theneons.com
Party On The Moon 770.262.1060, Dennis Smith www.partyonthemoon.com
Glow 404.547.6371 info@theglowband.com
Classic Cheesecakes 404.233.9636 www.classiccheesecakes.com
Exquisite Wedding Cakes 770.935.8398, Nancy Hewitt
Lu Lu’s Bakery 770.998.9373, Lisbeth Rawl bib@lulusbakery.biz
Unforgettable Wedding Cakes 770.971.1700, Ramona Oskirka www.unforgettableweddingcakes.com
Frosted Pumpkin Gourmet 770-205-7998, Jeff Schwerzler www.frostedpumpkin.com
Donut Depot 770-888-9993, Mike Luisi www.donutdepot.net
Button it Up (Green Screen) 770.664.4049,Sharon Hochdorf http://www.buttonitup.com/weddings.html
King of Pops (Popsicle Cart) 404.316.4529, Matt Tanner
SocialBox Greenscreen Photobooth 425.876.3334, Avner Moratt avner@socialboxusa.com www.socialboxusa.com
Wow Photo Booth 404.371.8906, Bill Ewing www.explosiveentertainment.com wowphotobooth@gmail.com
Caricatures 404.873.3729, Chris McGehee
Cotton Cravings (Organic Cotton Candy) 305-791-0603
Chair Covers & Linens 770.220.0072
Cover Ups 770.777.7886, Valerie Levin/Cindi Johnson www.coverupslinens.com
Carta Bella 770.993.7882, Linda Romaniello www.carta-bella.com
Electronic Pencil 404-324-8290, Gwen Ware www.theelectronicpencil.com
Paper Matters 678.575.6898, Nancy Miller info@papermatters.net
Cooper Atlanta Transportation 866.723.5466, Kim Butler info@cooper-atlanta.com
Hennessey Transportation 770-667-8788 www.hennessytransportation.com
Catholic Priest 404.521.1866, Rev. Msgr. Henry Gracz
Independent Clergy 770.831.3332, Deanna Lancaster revdeanna@charter.net
Jesuit Brother 404.261.5059, Jeremiah O’Keefe-West
Methodist Minister 770.720.8498, Edward Cook
Pastor 404.256.9797, Gene Bridges
Rabbi 770.641.8630, Harvey Winoker
Reverend 678.773.4937, Gale York
Buca di Beppo 770-643-9463, Beth Spiegel www.bucadibeppo.co
Cabernet Steakhouse 770.777.5955, Jason Zaleski jason@cabernetsteakhouse.com
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse 678-527-3377, Kelsey Lynch klynch@ruthschris.net
Alpharetta Convention & Visitors Bureau 678.297.2811, Julie Clayburn www.awesomealpharetta.com
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